AI-Powered Construction Management

Automate with AI

Boost your productivity with AI to reduce your work load and eliminate costly delays.

buildend feature image
BuildEnd AI chat

AI Creation of RFIs and Submittals

Use natural language to create to create RFIs and Submittals and other tasks. Quickly get through your backlog and save time. 

Let AI create tasks

Let BuildEnd's AI create any task type: observation, punch list, safety issue, etc.

Talk or type instructions

Talk or type instructions to the AI from your computer or mobile device.

Create Progress Reports

Let the AI compile a list of issues for a sub or specialty contractor right away when you need it. 

Instantaneous Compilation

The AI can generate a list of issues in seconds saving you hours looking them up manually.

Export Issues

Export a list of issues to CSV

Build end AI will find all relevant information