The following is a list of some acronyms commonly used in the construction industry:
- AR: Augmented reality
- BI: Building information model
- CAD: Computer-aided design
- CD: Construction document
- CM: Construction manager
- CSI: Construction Specification Institute
- DB: Design-build
- DD: Design development
- ENR: Engineering News Record
- EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
- FOR: Field observation report
- GC: General contractor
- GMP: Guaranteed maximum price
- GPS: Global positioning systems
- HVAC: Heating ventilation and air conditioning
- IFOA: Integrated form of agreement
- IPD: Integrated project delivery
- IP: Integrated project leader
- ICCA: Life-cycle cost analysis
- LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
- MR: Mixed reality
- O/A/C: Owner, architect, contractor
- OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- PM: Project manager
- PO: Purchase order
- PPP: Public-private partnership
- QA: Quality assurance
- QC: Quality control
- RFI: Request for information
- RFP: Request for proposal
- RFQ: Request for qualifications
- ROI: Return on investment
- ROM: Rough order of magnitude
- SWPPP: Storm water pollution prevention plans
- TBL: Triple bottom line
- VOC: Volatile organic compound
- VR: Virtual reality
- WBDG: Whole building design guide
- WBS: Work breakdown structure